Sea Level Rise Adaptation

A convergence of professionals and stakeholders from across sectors and Atlantic provinces to focus on the key question, “How might we best address sea level rise in Atlantic Canada?”
COLAB was invited by the EAC (Ecology Action Centre) and DFO (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) to design and facilitate the 2018 Atlantic Canadian Sea Level Rise Adaptation workshop, as part of the Educating Coastal Community About Sea-level Rise (ECoAS) Project.
Participants mapped the current stakeholders and their relationships and through this exercise identified gaps, leverage points, and potential opportunities for action. Participant-led discussion allowed for a deeper and more specific exploration of the most pressing topics such as how to catalyze and connect to community-led action, how to best manage and share data, and how to avoid the duplication of efforts across sectors. Participants walked away with a better understanding of their organization’s role in the wider ecosystem of sea level rise work, strengthened relationships with practitioners across sectors, and a clearer sense of the action that is needed.