Halifax Common Master Plan


About the Master Plan: The municipality is planning for the future direction of the Halifax Common. As the city and region continue to grow, this dynamic public space will only take on more significance as a major park and recreation area serving local residents and all people in the Halifax region. The time has come again to take a comprehensive look at the future of the Common, through a master planning process that will define management policies, guidelines for open and green space, as well as concepts and action plans for physical renewal. The outcomes will serve as a blueprint for future improvements, to guide the City in provision of open space areas, parks, recreation programs and facilities for the short and the long-term.

About COLAB’s role:  In partnership with landscape design firms Upland (Halifax), and HTFC (Winnipeg), COLAB is leading the public engagement component of the master planning process for the Halifax Common.  Over 2000+ citizens of Halifax have been directly engaged in the process thus far through public meetings, one-on-one stakeholder meetings, and online surveys. COLAB is responsible for designing the year-long engagement process, designing and facilitating all public and stakeholder meetings, designing all online engagement components, and the synthesis and analysis of all information collected. This large-scale public engagement has been an exciting task for COLAB, as we are dedicated to lifting up the voice of the public and improving the quality of life for all citizens of Halifax.  COLAB has been refining their public engagement “chops” over the years, including work on the Nova Centre, the new Halifax Central Library, initiating and establishing the ongoing Placemaking program with HRM, and Canada wide engagement on a Placemaking Network.
